
2D CAD software for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
Eric Pousse
Posts: 1083
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Location: Tours - France

Re: Spirals

Post by Eric Pousse »


Did you move your entire RealCADD folder from "Documents" to another location before to launching RealCADD?
And like that, some icons don't appear?

You must keep all icons, @2x are for retina screen only.
Eric Pousse
Posts: 711
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Location: Maine USA and Suffolk England

Re: Spirals

Post by debenriver »

Hi Eric

Yes I put it on the desktop.

I've done it all again and at first the Scripts window shows nothing. Then I copied in my beamcamber scripts - which showed up OK. So I copied in the Zoom script (and icons) and this showed up OK.

I'll experiment with copying in more scripts and see what happens. I did try a bulk copy but this didn't work - nothing showed up.

Here it is with Beamcamber, Sidedeck and Zoom:

script_pallet_3.jpg (16.44 KiB) Viewed 10330 times

Cheers -- George

PS - I have retina display
Eric Pousse
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Location: Tours - France

Re: Spirals

Post by Eric Pousse »


I don't understand what is happening.
Can you send me a copy of your "Scripts" folder, please?

Eric Pousse
Posts: 711
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Location: Maine USA and Suffolk England

Re: Spirals

Post by debenriver »

OK - Scripts folder emailed to you :D
Eric Pousse
Posts: 1083
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Location: Tours - France

Re: Spirals

Post by Eric Pousse »


I think it is the @2x which cause the problem.
Your own scripts don't have @2x icons and are displayed.
What is your screen?
Eric Pousse
Posts: 711
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Location: Maine USA and Suffolk England

Re: Spirals

Post by debenriver »

Hi Eric

Built-in Retina Display 13.3-inch (2560 x 1600)

Also the .bmp icons with my programs show what they are – and can be opened in, for example, Preview. The others just display a generic Windows .bmp image and can't be opened by Preview.

Cheers -- George
Eric Pousse
Posts: 1083
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Location: Tours - France

Re: Spirals

Post by Eric Pousse »


Can you open (and see) them with another image viewer?
Eric Pousse
Eric Pousse
Posts: 1083
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Location: Tours - France

Re: Spirals

Post by Eric Pousse »


In the Scripts folder from Documents/RealCADD/ can you remove all picture @2x except "baseup@2x.bmp"?
If this file is in the Scripts folder, the other aren't added.
Like this, you will be in the same situation than before I add the @2x pictures.

Eric Pousse
Posts: 711
Joined: Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:19 pm
Location: Maine USA and Suffolk England

Re: Spirals

Post by debenriver »

Hi Eric – I did that – just the baseup@2x.bmp file left.

Didn't make any difference – I can still only see a few icons in the Scripts window – the ones that show a thumbnail rather than a generic .bmp icon.

The ones that show are all 6 or 7 KB - the "generic" ones are 2 KB

I can open any of them with photoshop and the "generic" ones then do show a thumbnail. Haven't been able to save them as .bmp because there seems to be a disk error (probably my old version of photoshop)

Cheers -- George
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