A few thoughts for v.5.11

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A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by debenriver »

1. Bin. When you save a document, the previous version goes into the Bin/Trash with the time saved added to the extension. This is fine. And very useful. I often need to retrieve previous versions when I've gone down a dead-end with a drawing and want to get back to where I started. But it would be great if the date could also be included so one could find the version you want without moving a whole heap of drawings out of the bin and opening them to see what's there!

2. Text. Now we have rich text, could Capitalization formatting be added – Just Lower case, Upper case and Title case would be really useful. Saves a lot of re-typing when you want to change the capitalization of some text.

3. Underlining. Is it possible to do something about underlining? It looks just fine on RealCADD but when you print to PDF the underline gets very thick and ugly – so I never use it and I would like to!! What's really nice is if the underline can break in way of descenders – but I guess that's a step too far!!

4. Library. Is it possible to be able to delete library objects (either the whole file or a layer of it) directly from the Library window? And is it possible to be able to re-name folders and the layers directly from the Library window. I realize you can do this by going into the library folder in Documents, but it would be much nicer to do it directly from the Library window itself, just like you can add new items.

5. Regular polygons. It might be nice to incorporate the Script for Regular Hexagons in the standard tool kit?

All minor tweaks really :mrgreen:

Cheers -- George
Eric Pousse
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Re: A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by Eric Pousse »

Bonjour George,

v5.11 will a bugs fix or very little adding because I want release it quickly.
Your point 1 can be added in 5.11, I think.
I don't understand what you mean exactly in your point 2.
For the 3, I have to test and see what you explain.
For the 4, I have to think a little...
But thank you for your suggestions!

Eric Pousse
Eric Pousse
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Re: A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by Eric Pousse »


Like that for point 1 :
Eric Pousse
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Re: A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by debenriver »

Hi Eric

Yes just like that! Hopefully they'd then order themselves first by date and then by time??

Point 2. It's laziness really. You type a block of text with the caps lock key down by mistake – or conversely you type it all in lower case when you wanted all caps. Very nice to be able to correct basically by selecting "Lower case" or "Upper case", instead of having to re-type the whole thing!

"Title case" just makes the first letter of each word a capital – ideal for typing titles in fact.

Cheers -- George

Oh - and one other little thing – would it be useful do you think to add a "Clean-up drawing" command – essentially to remove empty strings and zero length objects. I know you can do this via Edit >> Special select and then deleting the objects found. But it's easy to forget to do this and then at some point the drawings starts to behave oddly... Even a prompt when you close a drawing might be useful?
Eric Pousse
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Re: A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by Eric Pousse »


I note your ideas for "Lower case", "Upper case" and "Title case" for the version after 5.1x

5.11 will have a verification on texts to delete empty texts or texts with only end of line which crashes v5.10.

Eric Pousse
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Re: A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by Eric Pousse »


Do you have examples for the problem with underlining?
Because I don't see it but I don't have tried all fonts.

Eric Pousse
Eric Pousse
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Re: A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by Eric Pousse »

Bonjour George,

You can test a new version : RealCADD 5.20d1

I have added almost all your command keys, I had only to change 2 of them.
In the menu "Text", there is a new submenu with "UPPERCASE", "lowercase" and "Title".
In the pallet library, the names of files and layers can be edited and modified.
Layers can be deleted.

You didn't respond about underlining.

Eric Pousse
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Re: A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by debenriver »

Hi Eric

Underline. Sorry I didn't see your post

I can't upload a pdf, so I took a screenshot of it. Here's the RealCADD
underline_realcadd.jpg (15.39 KiB) Viewed 6571 times
And here's the PDF
underline_pdf.jpg (14.65 KiB) Viewed 6573 times
You can see how much thicker the PDF makes the underlining.

Thank you for the keyboard shortcuts - great :mrgreen:

Text Transformations is also great - many thanks - I can be even lazier now!!

With the library I can change the names of files and layers just fine now – but I can't seem to do a complete delete. It says that it's deleting the file but in fact it doesn't seem to – perhaps I'm doing something wrong??

I've started to update my manual for v.5.11 – but we're already on 5.20! There's a lot to update – I hadn't really realized how much.

Cheers -- George
Eric Pousse
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Re: A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by Eric Pousse »


I made a test for underlined texts :
And, yes, in some cases there is a difference.
I made the same test with Pages and there is non difference.
I will search why...

Eric Pousse
Eric Pousse
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Re: A few thoughts for v.5.11

Post by Eric Pousse »

In the library, you can only delete layers.

I thinked this night that I have to add some tests for empty name or file name already existing...
Eric Pousse
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