circle dimensions

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circle dimensions

Post by Mikerosen »

When I pick a center point, and use Circle by Radius, I can't find a way to specify my desired radius (R=x) in the Edit frame. Yes, I can do it by changing both numbers in the h= and w= slots, but that's still the diameter, not the radius. It seems to me that the addition of R= would be convenient. The same is true with Circle by Diameter. A D=x would be nice.

If that isn't possible, since I've selected a circle, and not an oval, could the h and w dimension boxes be linked, so I don't have to enter the number twice?

I don't expect an answer for a day or so!

Joyeux Noël!
Mike Rosen
Seattle, WA, USA

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Re: circle dimensions

Post by debenriver »

Hi Mike

You can do it using the Command line (⌃C in the latest version – otherwise Window>>Command line).

The Command line will appear bottom left on your screen. Simply start drawing your circle and the Command line will show the x & y coordinates of the centre. Keeping the mouse button down, enter your desired radius (the command line will automatically have the R box in focus so you just need to type in the number) and, still holding the mouse button down hit the enter/return key. Release the mouse button.

Don't worry about the WL (line width) CL (line color) and CB (background color) boxes unless you want to specify them

Drawing a circle by diameter with the Command line still uses the radius, not the diameter.

Being able to toggle the Command line on and off with ⌃C is convenient, as when activated it can have some unexpected effects when drawing generally. So I don't leave it on all the time!

Happy New Year!
Eric Pousse
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Re: circle dimensions

Post by Eric Pousse »

That is a good suggestion, Mike, thank you!
Eric Pousse
Eric Pousse
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Re: circle dimensions

Post by Eric Pousse »


A new development version is available with new editable values (R and D) for ellipses in the edit pallet.

Eric Pousse
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