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how to stretch a rectangle by mouse operation?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:14 am
by kasper
:oops: I'm pretty sure I do something wrong, but I can't find a way to stretch a rectangle. I did try both Shift and Alt but they gave the same results; proportional scaling to a real square. I just want to stretch horizontally and be sure that the height of my rectangle remains the same. I must be overlooking something I guess...

regards Kasper
version 4.20 on windows

Re: how to stretch a rectangle by mouse operation?

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:20 am
by Eric Pousse
Bonjour Kasper,

No, there isn't a direct way to do that except if you edit the data in "Edit" pallet.
In iPocket Draw, I have added the attraction 'Alignment with points" but with a difference with RealCADD.
In iPocket Draw, the first point "clicked" is stored so you can have an attraction with the alignment with it, so you can easily modify a rectangle (for example) but without change the height for example.
In RealCADD, the first point is not stored. Perhaps it will be better if it was.
I will add this.


Re: how to stretch a rectangle by mouse operation?

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:31 pm
by kasper
Hello Eric,

The edit palet is a very nice one. What I specially like about it is the possibility to make calculations also. Still I really like to have this stored point as you describe it. It happens quitte often that I first do things intuitively and later on I finish my designs by checking and correcting the exact values. So, yes please! Kasper :mrgreen:

Re: how to stretch a rectangle by mouse operation?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:40 pm
by debenriver
Hi Kasper

What I do to stretch a rectangle by a fixed amount or to a fixed point is to draw a line from the (say) top corner of the rectangle using attraction so the line starts exactly on the corner. Then if you drag the rectangle from the top corner to the end of the line (attraction E) you can extend the rectangle by a known amount, or to a known point, and the height stays the same.

Though this sounds a bit complicated in practice it is very quick and easy to do beczause attraction works very well :D

Re: how to stretch a rectangle by mouse operation?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:31 pm
by kasper
Hello George,

Thanks for your good advice! I appreciate that very much. I use to construct an attractionpoint allready but I'm used to have the option I described and I was thinking I might have found a little bug because ALt and Shift have the same behaviour. I'm glad with the suggestion Eric made, I sounds this will fix it for most cases.

Personally I think it is a good idea to make this possible one way or another. One of the nicest things about realcadd is the mac-style intuitive interface. My work is mainly designing interiors and furniture and I do this partly just by viewing compositions of rectangles. In the first steps this is a non-numeric process. It's something I'm used to do quitte often. I see this in other design-software like inkscape that you can stretch/transform by using the middle selection-handle or in other software by pressing Shift.

I'm curious to the solution Eric describes. Another solution could be made by an extra sort of attraction that will attract objects to a line without having any specific point. Your stretched rectangle can be snapped to any point but will be attracted to the line. I think they call it 'nearest' in acad. Maybe another one to think about...

Regards, Kasper

Re: how to stretch a rectangle by mouse operation?

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:31 pm
by Eric Pousse

A little video


Re: how to stretch a rectangle by mouse operation?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:09 pm
by debenriver
Great enhancement!


Re: how to stretch a rectangle by mouse operation?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:10 pm
by kasper
This seems to be the perfect solution and more.

Re: how to stretch a rectangle by mouse operation?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:02 pm
by debenriver
Only trouble is we seem to have lost the old attraction to a line - or at least it's become a bit unreliable! So I'm hoping Eric will fix that. :)