
2D CAD software for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
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Post by debenriver »

Hey Eric

This is just a thought but ...

I wondered if it would be worthwhile/useful/possible to incorporate a fairly straightforward calculator function within RealCADD?

Perhaps one that would do the basic math - + * / () plus ^ √ tan sin cos π. Or perhaps (better?) a small spreadsheet with those functions etc.

I usually bring up the apple calculator but it is a bit of a pain because you have to split the screen or you keep losing the calculator under the RealCADD window – and working with small scree sizes you need all the space you've got! Or, if it's more complicated, then Numbers spreadsheet the same, on a split screen. But both mean a lot of to-ing and fro-ing ...

For my design work I regularly have to use moments to calculate composite centres of area, trigonometry for loads in rigging etc. and raising to various powers (including fractional) for data and load calculations. It would be nice to be able to do the relatively simple stuff at least, directly on the RealCADD window, even if the results go elsewhere.

Anyway - as I said – just a thought :mrgreen:

Cheers -- George
Eric Pousse
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Re: Calculator

Post by Eric Pousse »

Bonjour George,

That would be a big work...

As calculator, I use Soulver and I have 2 screens.
Eric Pousse
Posts: 711
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Location: Maine USA and Suffolk England

Re: Calculator

Post by debenriver »

I was afraid it might be!

I'd not heard of Soulver. Just downloaded it. Quick Soulver pretty much does what I was thinking of, in that it stays on top of RealCADD so you can flick between the two pretty much seamlessly.

Thank you for the recommendation!

Cheers -- George
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