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Post by debenriver »

Hi Eric

I get a problem with the Layers window popping up when I mouse over (or select) a tool from the Tools pallet. Doesn't seem to matter how many times I close the Layers window, it just seems to pop up again. When I look at the Windows menu, Layers is not checked even though the Layers window has opened itself. The problem goes away for a while but then, just when I think it's all OK, up it pops again!

I have just updated to Ventura 13.1 – perhaps this has caused it??

Cheers -- George
Eric Pousse
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Location: Tours - France

Re: Layers

Post by Eric Pousse »

Bonjour George,

Yes, I update from Ventura 13.0 to Ventura 13.1 and I see the problem.
This occurs also with the "Attraction pallet".
Even if this pallets are not visible, their event "MouseEnter" fires when the mouse is moving on their place... Strange.
I will add a test to workaround this problem.

Eric Pousse
Eric Pousse
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Re: Layers

Post by Eric Pousse »


I have uploaded a new beta version of RealCADD : RealCADD 5.22b2
To solve this problem.

In this version, there is also a new command "Put on the layer" in the menu "Action".
This is a feature request from Stefan for iPocket Draw.

And there is a better management of multiple screens.

Thanks again.
Eric Pousse
Posts: 707
Joined: Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:19 pm
Location: Maine USA and Suffolk England

Re: Layers

Post by debenriver »

Hi Eric

Seems to be fine now with the new beta. Many thanks. At least I wasn't imagining things!! I hate system updates really but I can never resist them ...

I like the new "Put on layer". Very useful I think. With lots of layers it's very easy to keep on drawing on the wrong layer – so to be able to move objects simply like this is a real benefit – I remember the cardinal sales rule "Every Feature should have a Benefit" being hammered home to me many years ago!!

Cheers -- George
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