Some news after a long delay without.
In this new beta version, you will find a new menu "pdf" :

This menu allows you to work on pdf file :
- Annotate a pdf, import a pdf file as background on which you can draw with all tools of RealCADD.
You can saved your drawing as a RealCADD file and open it after to continue to annotate the pdf.
When your annotation is finished, you can save the annotated pdf file with the menu "Export as pdf..."
There is a known bug if you add rotated texts.
- Edit a pdf, import a pdf file and extract the vectorial objects from it.
So don't try it on a scan...
There is some problem with complex files and with some texts but with I have many good results.
Depending on how the pdf file is written, dashed lines can be exploded in many little lines as the hatches or the textures.
Also with pdf made with older version of RealCADD.
Pdf files made by printing as pdf with this version will be better : dashed lines, hatches, textures will be recognise as objects.
This new version is here.
Thanks to try it and send me the pdf files with problems.