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Moving shapes to snap points

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:06 pm
by Mikerosen
I draw a horizontal rectangle. I draw a vertical rectangle.

Now, I want to move one so that it overlaps the other, snapping to the upper right corner. How can I do this? If I grab one by a corner handle, the rectangle shape changes. But if I grab it on a line, so it all moves, I lose my snap point.

Can this be done?



Aha! I figured it out. You tap and HOLD on a corner, and drag the object. You don't tap to select, and then try to drag. Sneaky!

Re: Moving shapes to snap points

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:26 pm
by Eric Pousse
Bonjour Mike,

Yes, you have to "take" it directly on the point you want without selecting it before.
If you select it before and then take a handle you change the object but not move it.