List of innovations and corrections :

---- Version 5.40-----:
- Add pdf annotation mode and extract objects from a pdf
- Add a tool "Text with spline and line"
- Add icon to switch on/off the "highlight objects"
- Add a preference to unselect tools after one use
- Some improvements and bug fixes

---- Version 5.31-----:
- Some bug fixes

---- Version 5.30-----:
- Hatches and textures associated with objects
- Added option to enable or disable object highlighting
- Some improvements and bug fixes

---- Version 5.22-----:
- Some improvements and bug fixes
- Added action "Put on the layer"

---- Version 5.21-----:
- Some bug fixes

---- Version 5.20-----:
- Added some keyboard commands
- Added « Transformations » in menu « Text » with UPPERCASE, lowercase and Title commands
- From the "Library" window, it is now possible to rename files and layers and to delete layers
- Added a command centered H + V
- Added transparency to layers
- Modification of the layer color management: not definitive, applied only if checked, otherwise back to the initial color of the objects, same for transparency
- Layer palette modified accordingly (addition of transparency field) and call for color choice directly from the list
- DXF reading optimization

---- Version 5.10-----:
- New Bézier curve tool
- The same text can now have several fonts, sizes, colors, etc...
- "Dark" and "Full screen" modes available
- Possible selection of fonts displayed in the choices
- Some other small improvements and bug fixes

---- Version 5.04-----:
- New tool "Scissor" to cut objects
- The dashes can now have up to 4 datas (length + space) instead of 2 before
- Version "Universal Binary" for macOS, native for Mac M1 and for Mac Intel
- Some other  small improvements and bug fixes

---- Version 5.02-----:
- Some small improvements and bug fixes

---- Version 5.01-----:
- Fixed some bugs

---- Version 5.00-----:
- New tools: dimension of radius and dimension of diameter
- Default preferences
- Template files
- Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle and Oval with angle and editing by center possible
- Possibility to modify the value for the movement with the arrows to other value than the grid step
- Choice of the default value for line and text size
- Fixed some bugs
- Various optimizations

---- Version 4.90 -----:
- Convert lines to polygons or splines, with a choice of the number of segments
- Polygon to spline conversion
- Choice of arrows, dots and colors with menus instead of pallets
- Colors' menu improved – basic colors and greys expandable to full color spectrum pallet
- Arrows now on polygons and splines as well as lines
- Different arrows now possible at each end
- Additional arrow shapes: square, rhombus. Also multiple arrows (all shapes and styles)
- When resizing, option to scale arrows as well as text
- Direct editing of arrows on selected objects (like iPocket Draw)
- Drawing of arrows improved, where possible using a polygon instead of lines.
- Increased number of hatches and textures available
- Hatches with a second angle and its own deltas
- Optimization of textures

---- Version 4.80 -----:
- New option in Paste Special to place objects in relation to the drawing,
- New option for selection rectangle (Arrow Tool) to allow selection "In" or "In / Cut"
- Added a menu "Config. layers", accessible also in the contextual menu (right click) of the drawing, to reach more quickly the configurations of layers, (if you do not use them, look at this very interesting possibility ...)
- The attraction "Perpendicular" can now be used in 2 stages with the Line tool: choice of the reference object then possible choice of another point of attachment to start the perpendicular line which, thus, can not not have its point of origin on the reference object
- Possibility to switch the editing of circles and ellipses from the "enclosing rectangle" mode to the "center and radius (s)" mode,
- When creating a line, directly edit the length by starting to type a number or = + - * /., ()
- Optimization for Retina or high resolution screens,
- Other various optimizations,

---- Version 4.70 -----:
- Objects on which there is an attraction are highlighted
- Attraction on Surface now works on all objects
- The kind of attraction is displayed with a label
- The Edit pallet has been modified to navigate between selected objects
- And to remove a point(s) of selected polygon and spline
- The Tools pallet can be opened always (not only when the cursor is above it)
- When the selected tool has options, you can also display them by hitting the key "space"
-> See more explanations on the forum

---- Version 4.61 and .62 -----:
- Some bugs fixed

---- Version 4.60 -----:
- For OS X, a Cocoa version is available
- The text of the quotations can be placed above, center or below
- The attraction "Tangent" now allows you to create lines tangent with the circle of beginning AND with the arrival circle
- The "Zoom" menu at the bottom left of the window now allows you to set a specific zoom value
- The zoom value is indicated even if it is other than a pre-defined value
- The key "Esc" selects the Arrow tool and the key "A" the Text tool
- Ability to choose the number of files of the menu "Open Recent" and clear it
- New commands "Send Backward" and "Send Forward" in addition to "Send to Back" and "Send to Front"
- Some optimizations
- And some bugs fixed

---- Version 4.50 -----:
- New tool "Parallel"
- Palette Tools modified
- Possibility of reversing the y-axis (in preferences)
- "Command line" more powerful and user-friendly
- Calculation of polygons center with verification that no side intersects another (if not false result)
- Double click to access the tools options
- Ability to hide the bottom of the Layers palette
- Ability to choose the default text sizes
- Added an icon (bottom right) to hide / show the page size
- Some bugs fixed ---- Version 4.40 -----:
- Isometric grid (as iPocket Draw)
- If isometric grid, automatically constrained angles at 0, 30, 90, 150 degrees;
- New optional paste with scaling pasted objects to the scale of the layer;
- If alignment with a locked object in the selection, it serves as a basis of alignment;
- Command = calls "Zoom +";
- Option for the line thickness is not affected by the zoom;
- Fix on splines;
- Preferences B, I, U and justification of texts saved;
- Preferences of grid saved in files and by default;
- The line's thickness of hatches and textures is saved;
---- Version 4.30 -----:
- Closed splines drawn continuously;
- Opacity on lines and backs;
- Increase the number of preset textures and hatches;
- Hatches and textures possible on selections with discontinuities and different types of objects;
- Large cursor drawn when changing or moving objects;
- Clicked point at the beginning of a shift or change stored for alignment;
- Modification of computing of parallels on rounded rectangles : modification of radius
- When choosing a hatch or a texture, a double-click in the table of predefined hatch or textures allows to choose directly

---- Version 4.20 -----:
- Ability to delete objects of size zero or infinite when files are opened by pressing Option;
- Handles to resize groups of objects;
- Height adjustable handles;
- Addition of divisions in the grid;
- Ability to change lines retaining their angle by pressing Option;
- Added option to the tool extension and break lines to apply only the first selected row;
- Improvement of the Window menu;
- Improved reading of DXF and DWG files;
- Improvement of the tool "Rectangle of selection" if many objects;
- Bugfix;

---- Version 4.10 -----:
- Compatibility DWG 2010;
- Option to import Object Space and/or Paper Space of DWG and DXF;
- Option for auto--retractable pallets or not (in Preferences);
- Option on Pen tool to vectorize or not;
- Change when a file is saved : the old version is moved into the trash instead of being deleted;
- Some little enhancements and corrections.

---- Version 4.08 -----:
- Some bugs fixed;
- Groups are now hierarchic;
- The tool of quotation of the angles works now on arcs;
- Some little enhancements;
---- Version 4.07 -----:
- Some bugs fixed of which that when print with Mac OS 10.5;
- Ability to resize the radius of arcs with cursor;
- Ability to rotate an object with a new tool of "Rotation";
- In the dialog "Drawing size", new option "At best with margin", veru useful when opening DWG or DXF files;
- New option to delete layers without object when opening DWG or DXF files;
- The preferences of Snap are now saved when you quit RealCADD;

---- Version 4.06 -----:
- new contextual menu (right clic) of tools when no object selected, in addition of the contextual menu "Action" when objects selected. The tools displayed in this menu are chosen in the preferences;
- possibility of validating the data entered in the pallet "Edit" during the creation of an object, so a polygon can be created only with the keyboard segment after segment. It is better to be in "Clic-clic" drawing mode;
- possibility to edit a string by a double clic with the tool Arrow;
- in "Select special", select of "nul" strings, i.e. empty or only with spaces;
- new short cut key for "Send backward" & "Put in front of";
- with the keys Alt (or Option) and Arrow (up or down), you can change the active layer's layout;
- possibility to use the key "Escap" to stop the creation of object;
- some little bugs fixed;
- some other little enhancements;

---- Version 4.05 -----:
- RealCADD is now available also for Linux;
- 3 small bugs were corrected;
- Reorganization of the pallet "Tools", some tools were gathered and the "pop-up" tools are automatic;
- Opening of DWG files with X-Refs;
- New tool half-circle by diameter;
- New tool arc of ellipse;
- New tool of cutting of line;
- The pallet "Layers" is resizable;
- The display of the "Helptags" is optional;
- Addition of a new button "Again" on the dialog of Duplicate and Move for automatic recall in loop;
- Writing of a file daily "log" containing the name of the saved files;
- Addition of a dialog "Information" allowing to know the time spent on a drawing;
- In the pallet "Edit", the name of the layer of the selected object is now a button making it possible to make its layer active;
- In the window "Find/Replace", addition of a button "Replace";
- Various small improvements;

---- Version 4.01 -----:
- 4 small bugs were corrected.
- Cd-H is not used any more by RealCADD and thus is available to mask RealCADD under Mac OS X.
- The sight and the zoom are stored at the time of the backup of a file.
- When one zooms with the mouse's wheel, the position of the mouse definite the center of the zoom.
- New menu "Convert" in "File" allowing to convert into DWG (version Pro) all the files RealCADD present in a folder.
- Attraction on "Alignments": i.e. on 1 or 2 points which you indicate to RealCADD. On the image below, with the tool "Line" and attractions "End" and "Center" active, the high-left end and the center of the line were approached to have attraction on them. Then if the cursor is sufficiently close to alignment with one or the other to these 2 points, attraction is activated. Here attraction on the 2 points was found the beginning of the line will thus be aligned on the 2 predefined points. With the long crosshair displayed, alignments are more visible.

---- Version 4.00 -----:
- Available as Universal Binaries for Mac OS X (native for Mac Intel and PPC)
- Rulers with a movable origin and a grid
- Option to have a large reticle with drawing tools
- New tool for quotation of the angles
- Taking into account of the mice with serrated roller for displacement horizontal and vertical of the drawing and zoom before/back
- Writing of the drawings in PostScript for impression high definition on printer or tracer without specific driver
- Library of drawings
- Position of the print area recorded in the files
- Attraction Surfaces (with Intersection attraction)
- Attirance Centre functions now on the sides of the rectangles
- "Find and replace text" functions now with the texts of several lines
- The scalings apply now to the arrows

---- Version 3.91 -----:
This version corrects some bugs :
- with fractional inches and feet (6' 12" displayed instead of 7' 0")
- after a crash when creating a spline and saving the file, error when re-open the file
- when texture applies on lines and/or rounded rectangle
- with dwg/dxf files with coded textes
- when one opens many dwg/dxf files
- anchoring not drawn in certain cases
and improves the selection of the texts with the tool Text

---- Version 3.90 -----:
- DWG reading improved.
- Multiple Undo and Redo
- Selection in real time with either the rectangle or lasso type of selection
- New pallet "Command line"
- New Action "Divide"
- In "Paste special", an option to add missing layers if "Through layers" is used
- and other small things...

---- Version 3.81 -----:
- Some bugs have been corrected.
- Pallets can now be semi-transparent.

---- Version 3.80 -----:
- New mode of drawing called "Workbook"
- Possibility of parameterizing an alarm to recall to save the open and modified files.
- New pallet "Text".
- Reorganization of the tools pallet.
- The other pallets open and are closed according to the context.
- Possibility of finishing the drawing of a polygon, a spline or a multiple quotations by a "Control" + click.
- The option "ends of lines rounded" now also applies to the polygons.